Like a lot of the early Rhode Island radio stations whos beginnings started with amatures converting their home made transmitters into public radio stations, WRAH was no exception. The WRAH call letters were first seen in a listing for amature station 1AXX owned by Stanley N Read.
The Wireless Age June, 1924 Then in 1923 we see the WRAH listing again with a 10 watt output and the same owner Stanley N Read. Radio News June 1923
Then in 1924 we see the official announcment for the station in the Providence Journal. It is the 4th commercial station in Providence. It is operated by B & H supply company. Their plant resided at 116 Mathewson St. The first broadcasting day was February 10th, 1924. The operators stated that they would continue broadcasting as long as there was public demand and will discontinure if there is complainrs about interference. B & H Supply Ads
Providence Journal February 10, 1924 Throughout 1924, WRAH broadcast a wide variety of programming to the Providence Area. Providence Journal February 24, 1924 Providence Journal March 2, 1924 Providence Journal March 9, 1924 Providence Journal March 9, 1924 In 1926, licences were granted to 3 new stations in the state as part of 16 country wide. WFCI, WCBS, and WRAH. Providence Journal August 21, 1926 Providence Journal August 13, 1924 Providence Journal August 23 1926 Pawtucket Times October 27, 1927
Providence Journal May 28, 1928 On June 3, 1928 the radio commission announced a hearing for the stations in jepordy of being silences, July 9th, 1928. Providence Journal June 3, 1928 Providence Journal July 8, 1928 Stanley N Read failed to apear at the hearing, probobly sealing the fate of this staion. Providence Journal July 10, 1928 On July 26 the licenses of 36 stations were revoked inclusing WRAH. Providence Journal July 27, 1928 WRAH was officially silenced on October 1st, 1928. Providence Journal September 1st, 1928 |