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Rhode Island Radio Website!

Rhode Island's Earliest Amateurs 1

Effective December 13, 1912, U.S. radio stations were generally required to have government-issued licences in order to operate, and were also assigned unique callsigns, under the provisions of the Act to Regulate Radio Communication. Here us a list of some of the earliest Amateurs:

Call Location Licensee Est Date Deleted Type
1PU Taunton Ave, Pawtucket, RI Earle Holbrook
1DP 8
36 Warren Ave., Pawtucket, RI Thomas H Bell
Thomas H Bell
1924 29
1XW Watchaug Pond, RI Ralph C. Watrous38 80 81 10/1/1913 Jan-17 Experimental
1ZP Providence, RI Ralph C. Watrous38 80 81 Jun-15 Special Amateur
1XW Charlestown, RI Ralph C. Watrous38 80 81 1/1/1917 Experimental
1YA Kingston, RI Rhode Island State College 8/1/1919 Nov-20 Technical and Training School
1XF Providence, RI Electrical Products Manufacturing Co. 1/2/1920 Dec-21 Experimental
1YA Kingston, RI Rhode Island State College 5/1/1920 Technical and Training School
Providence, RI Brown University (Physics Department) 10/1/1920 Experimental
1XAD Pawtucket, RI Standard Radio & Electric Co. 8/1/1921 Experimental
1YE Providence, RI The New England Radio and Telegraph School 1925 301 Strand Theater Building
1ZQ Providence, RI Alpha A Learned 47 1925 76 Camp Street
1ZS Providence, RI Franklin S Huddy 39 1925 204 Bowen Street

Pioneer Broadcast Service Stations In Rhode Island: Actions Through June, 1922 2

By late 1921 enthusiasm for broadcasting had started to develop nationwide, and the Bureau of Navigation decided to formally designate standards and wavelengths for a specific broadcast service. Moreover, in addition to entertainment broadcasts, it saw the need to provide for broadcasts of official government reports. On December 1, 1921 two wavelengths were formally set aside for broadcasting, set up as a service category within the already existing "Limited Commercial" class of stations. A clause was added to the Limited Commercial regulations, reading: "Licences of this class are required for all transmitting radio stations used for broadcasting news, concerts, lectures, and such matter. Thus, broadcasting was formally introduced using just two wavelengths -- 360 and 485 -- in the 200 to 600 meter band.

Rhode Island was no exception. Stations listed in 1921 were:

Call Location Licensee Meters Owner Discription
1OJ 8
Pawtucket, RI DeLancey, Felch & Company 200 Raymond W Farnum No regular program now. Music. Range 150 miles
1XAD Pawtucket, RI Standard Radio & Elec. Company 290 Thomas P Giblin 2 50-watt tubes, radius 400 miles. Heard at distances of 1,000 miles. Located at 463 Broadway, same city. Broadcasts three days per week, music, lectures and letters read. Now working on 290 meters. Aerial 70 foot long, 9 wires on spreader 15 feet, 11 wires on counterpoise. Ground, 11 wires 70 foot long, copper plates at end.

Click to enlarge
Principle Radio Stations Broadcasting
Stations in the United States
Ashland Weekly Tidings
April 26, 1922

A list of Broadcasting Stations, on June 30, 1922, both Commercial and Government included these 2 Rhode Island Radio Stations. Both stations were listed as "Entertainment". 3

WEAG - Nichols-Hineline-Bassett Laboratory - Edgewood, RI
WEAN - Shepard Company - Providence, RI

The following is a list of Amature Radio stations in Rhode Island from 1920 to 1923. Interest seemed to peak in 1922 with 135 stations registered. The following year it dropped to 111. 3

Owner Location Power (Watts) Call 1920 1921 1922 1923
Hal Sullivan Corner of Arch & RI Ave, Pawtucket, RI 10 1AAD
R S Brown 228 Cleveland St, Pawtucket, RI 10 1AAL 68
Clifford A Langworthy
Clifford A Langworthy
Clifford A Langworthy
Clifford A Langworthy
R D No1, Westerly, RI 10 1AAP 8
1AAP 8
1AAP 66
Daniel F Colloer 580 Smithfield Rd, North Providence, RI 10 1AAR x
John F Deacon 33 Pope St, Newport, RI 500, 200 1AAS x x x x
Alpha A Learned 47 48 50 51 53 56 57 58 59 76 Camp St, Providence, RI 100, 500 1AAU
1AAU 66
x x x x
J Stedman Ward 353 Spring St, Newport, RI 250, 10 1AAV x x x x
Arthur Z Smith 47 200 Park Ave, Woonsocket, RI 5, 10 1ABC 8
1ABC 66
x x
Williams J Cummings
Williams J Cummings
Williams J Cummings
42 Glenwood St, Cranston, RI 25 1ABP 12
1ABP 10
Harry W Gardner 56 Carver St, Pawtucket, RI 50 1ABO 66
Graham R Hall 209 Lippitt St, Providence, RI 10 1ABW x x
G A York Block Island, RI 250 W1ACD 8
Charles P Kenyon
Charles P Kenyon
49 50 51 58 Providence, RI 1AEI 8
1AEI 66
1AEI 68
Raymond P Adams 160 Cypress Sr, Providence, RI 100 1AER x x
Thomas C Howard 64 Second Beach Rd, Newport, RI 50 1AFN 8
1AFN 8
1AFN 66
1AFN 68
Stanley W Atkinson
Stanley W Atkinson 41 45 47 49
187 Woodbine St, Auburn, RI 50 1AFO 66
1AFO 78
Frederick Buck, Jr Fort Adams, RI 250 1AFR 8
1AFR 8
x x
Alpha A Learned Brown University, Providence, RI 10 1AGC x
W C Nielson 60 Kay St, Newport, RI 10 W1AGI 8
Clifford J Hoyt 1199 Social St, Woonsocket, RI 5 1AGT 66
John C Thoresen 63 Moorland Ave, Cranston, RI 5 1AGZ x
Otis B French Plimpton Rd, Watch Hill, RI 50 1AHJ x
Pawtucket High School Pawtucket, RI 5 1AHJ x
Henry B Joy "Treasure Hill" Watch Hill, RI 500 1AHM x
H Russell Burdick 22 Park Ave, Westerly, RI 50 1AHT x
Mildred S. Lorentson
Mildred S. Lorentson
Mildred S. Lorentson
Mildred S. Lorentson
Mildred S. Lorentson
Mildred S. Lorentson 34 35 58
23 Braman St, Providence, RI 50 1AID 12
x x x x
John C Buchart 8 Central Ave, Lakewood, RI 15 1AIF x
42 Main St, Westerly, RI 250, 20 1AIP x x x
Sacred Heart Academy 636 Broad St, Central Falls, RI 250 1AIT x x x
Chester L Warren Fort Adams, Newport, RI 500 1AIU x
Herbert W Squires YMCA, Newport, RI 35 1AIV8
Leonard M Luther 68 Daniels St, Pawtucket, RI 250 1AIW x x x
John E Marshall Jennys Lane, Barrington, RI 25 1AJO x
William R Brown 59 Abbott St, Pawtucket, RI 100 1AJZ x x
Mitchell A Kapland 70 Humboldt Ave, Providence, RI 100 1AKJ x x
Stuart V Letts 75 Farragut Ave, Providence, RI 25 1AKQ x
Howard C Maney 42 43 47 49 50 52 53 54 56 57 58 62 129 Robinson St, Providence, RI 25 1AKK x
Hugh C D Pollock 15 Whitford St, Pawtucket, RI 250 1AKR x
Harry F Dence 29 Russell Ave, Newport, RI 40 1ALB x
Edwin J Gates 9 Denver Ave, Edgewood, RI 10 1ALD 66
Corliss B Gardner Broadrock St, Peacedale, RI 1ALJ 66
William A Swrrt 8 Willow St, Newport, RI 45 1ALM x
George E Jette 161 Summer St, Central Falls, RI 500 1ALQ x x
Herbert R Grimshaw Brown University, Providence, RI 450 1ALU x x
Edward Kingsley 4 Battery St, Newport, RI 100, 200 1ALZ
x x x
Howard W Thornley 7 Belmont St, Pawtucket, RI 500 1AMD
x x x
St George's Radio School Newport, RI 100 1MG 67
Harry L Olson 5 Union St, East Greenwich, RI 30 1AML 8
Raymond P Griswold 164 Webster Ave, Providence, RI 1AMN
Franklin B Rowell
Franklin B Rowell
Franklin B Rowell
Franklin B Rowell
Franklin B Rowell
Franklin B Rowell
106 Cedar St, Pawtucket, RI 100 1AMU 8 37
1AMU 66 37
John E Fogerty 220 Hamilton St, Providence, RI 25 1AND x
Aaron Norman 20 Benefit St, Providence, RI 100 1AOO x x
Joseph W Cohen 416 North Main At, Providence, RI 100 1AOV x x
Hans R Grafe Fort Adams, Newport, RI 20 1APG 66
1APG 66

Arthur B. Ashworth 43 47 50 54 55 56 57 151 Franklin St, Cranston, RI 20 1AQA 12
Chester W Ward 43 50 54 2342 Cranston St, Cranston, RI 5 1ARK x
Elliot B Hull
Elliot B Hull
59 Pitman St, Providence, RI 100, 25 1ATH x x x
Leonard C Jenson 125 Lexingron St, Providence, RI 100 1ATI x x
Jack E Boyle 117 Wateman Ave, East Providence, RI 1ATM 68
Alvan B Conway 33 South St, Pawtucket, RI 100 1ATX x
Alvan B Conway 116 Division St, Pawtucket, RI 40 1ATX x x
Harold Dewing 205 Camp St, Providence, RI 100, 1000 1ATY x x x
St George's Radio School Newport, RI 100 1AOA
1AOA 66
1AOA 67
1AOA 67
Raymond P Adams 160 Cypress Sr, Providence, RI 1000 1AQU x x
Chester W Ward 2343 Cranston Sve, Cranston, RI 5 1ARK x
Edson S Hineline 200 Narragansett St, Edgewood, RI 15 1ATB x
Ralph J Liedel Lincoln Park, Hillsgrove, RI 500 1AUX x x
Alfred E Teachman
757 Grove St, Woonsocket, RI 15 1AV x x
B M Canning 253 Harris Ave., Woonsocket, RI W1AV1
F L Simons 51 Lonsdale Ave, Pawtucket, RI 100 1AVC x
Samuel W Thomas Box 10, Lakewood, RI 40 1AVU x
Norman H Miller
Norman H Miller
Norman H Miller
Norman H Miller 42 47 51 52 53 56 56 57 58 61 62
25 Phillips St, Providence, RI 20 1AWE 12
1AWE 8
1AWE 8
1AWE 8
1AWE 8
1AWE 8
1AWE 66
1AWE 66
1AWE 73
1AWE 77
x x
Charles Dwyer 14 Cranston St, Newport, RI 100, 75 1AWG 66
x x
Joseph Lavalley Pascog, RI 500 1AWO x x x
Daniel A O'Connor
Daniel A O'Connor
Daniel A O'Connor
Daniel A O'Connor 47
196 Transit St, Providence, RI 35 1AWV 8
1AWV 66
Roger W Hale 74 Miller St, Providence, RI 100 1AXR x
Paul W Slade 631 Angell St, Providence, RI 100 1AYS x x
Thomas Callahan 100 Lafayette St, Providence, RI 100, 50 1AYX x x x
Herant Toumajanian 63 16 Finley, Pl, Newport, RI 100, 375 1AZW x x x
Corliss B Gardner 10 Broadrock St, Peace Dale, RI 100, 5 1AZY x x x
L C Jensen 132 Baysrd St, Providence, RI (2) 7.5 Watters 1BAT 8
1BAT 8
1BAT 72
Theodore R Norton 6 Bush St, Newport, RI 100 1BBA x x
Warren W Anthony East Main Rd, Portsmouth, RI 1BBN 72
Paul W Slade 631 Angell St, Providence, RI 100 1BBS x
Thomas Callahan 100 Lafayette St, Providence, RI 100 1BBX x
John White 47 58
John White
78 Hope St, Providence, RI 25 1BCC 8
1BCC 66
1BCC 75
Norman H Blake 42 45 46 47 47 48 49 50 51 51 54 60 61 70 Burgess, East Providence, RI 25 1BDQ 8
1BDQ 66
1BDQ 68
Vernon S Allen On the Atlantic,
14 Miles from Providence
1BEH 10
Lewis S Bellem 65
Lewis S Bellem
90 Stanwood St, Providence, RI 100, 500, 60 1BES 8
1BES 12
1BES 8
1BES 40
1BES 66
1BES 76
x x x
James H Hanley 22 Carson St, Pawtucket, RI 100, 10 1BEW x x
James H Hanley 134 Chaplin St, Pawtucket, RI 25 1BEW x
Oliver H Brewster 269 Montfomery St, Providence, RI 100 1BFX x x
Phillips R Burkke 343 Lloyd Ave, Providence, RI 100, 30 1BGD 8
1BGD 66
x x x
Albert G Hutchins 42 Illinois St, Central Falls, RI 100 1BGU x x
William R Powers
William R Powers
30 Medway St, Providence, RI 100 1BHI x x
Leroy Beebe 13 Robinson St, Newport, RI 250, 100, 20 1BHK x x x
Samuel G Stiness 260 Broad St, Central Falls, RI 250 1BHP x x
Vincent Capuano 31 Penn St, Providence, RI 500 1BHY x x x
Nickolas Fiors 605 Admiral St, Providence, RI 10, 40 1BIE 8
1BIE 8
1BIE 66
x x x
E Petit
E Petit 45 47 47 51 54 56 57 61
47 Elmwood Ave., Providence, RI 1.5watt 1BIL
1BIL 66
K of C Vocational School 509 Westminister St, Providence, RI 700watt 1BKS x x
Frank A Irish, Jr. 13 Ayrault St, Newport, RI 7 1/2watt 1BLS 33
Roland H Bouchard 38 Dulude Ave., Woonsocket, RI 1BLV66
Albert R. Champlin
Albert R. Champlin
12 Maple Ave, Westerly, RI 10 1BLW66
Horace Wilcox 180 Main St, Wakefiels, RI 500 1BME x x x
George H Johnson 62 Miner St, Providence, RI 12 1BMU x x
Eddy M Woodruff 129 Summit St, East Providence, RI 40 1BMV x x
F L Shaw. 120 Barney St, Rumford, RI W1BN
Robert O MacKinnon 11 Sherman St, Pawtucket, RI 250 1BNE x x
Lloyd Manuel 169 Thames St, Newport, RI 500 1BOG x
Rueben F Reynolds 19 Stimson Ave, Providence, RI 25 1BPB x
Donald B Brown 68 Greene St, Pawtucket, RI 20 1BPC x x
George M Mathewson
George M Mathewson
401 Broadway, Newport, RI 12 1BQD x
George M Mathewson 7 Ledyard St, Newport, RI 15 1BQD 66
George M Mathewson 7 Ayrault St, Newport, RI 7.5 1BQD 72
1BQD 68
George M Mathewson 39 Rhode Island Ave, Newport, RI 75, 35 1BQD 8
1BQD 8
x x
William S Allen Corvesett, RI 500 1BQT
1BQT 8
x x
N G Herreshoff, Jr 142 Hope St, Bristol, RI 15 1BRA x x
Samuel R Robinson, Jr 46 Main St, South Kingston, RI 15 1BRU x x
Earl R Lofquist 68 Main St, East Providence, RI 24 1BSD x x
Bayden P Taylor 394 Central St, Central Falls, RI 25 1BUJ x x
Herbert St Laurent 73 Harrison St, Providence, RI 25 1BUK x x
Julian L McKenzie 52 Elm St, Westerly, RI 100 1BUL x x
Howard W Cushing 16 Hamilton St, Providence, RI 25 1BUN x x
Donald J Brown 86 Franklin St, Westerly, RI 50, 1000 1BVB x x
D B Fancher
D B Fancher
D B Fancher
D B Fancher
D B Fancher Photo,1921
Westerly, RI 20 1BVB 8
1BVB 8
1BVB 8
1BVB 12
1BVB 69
1BVB 68
1BVB 66
Willism P White 6 Clinton Ave, Newport, RI 15 1BVD x x
John Rollinson 27 Kenyon Ave, Wakefield, RI 15 1BVE x x
Granville A Reynolds 34 Whitney St, Providence, RI 25 1BWI x x
Hartley C Humphrey Nannaquaket Rd, Tiverton, RI 50 1BWK x x
John S Walker Silver Lake Ave, Wakefield, RI 50 1BWS x x
Herbert F Newman 69 Burton St, Bristol, RI 50 1BXO x x
William C Sweet 18 Meeting St, Newport, RI 500 1BXQ x x
Fred S Stedman 35 Winter St, Wakefield, RI 15 1BXZ x x
Leslie A Jones 31 Thurston Ave, Newport, RI 25 1BZY x
Leslie A Jones 31 Thurston Ave, Newport, RI 25 1BYZ x
Horace Young
Horace Young 42 43 47 49 50 51 52 54 56 56 57 57 58 58 62
73 Clarence St, Providence, RI 50 1CAB 8
1CAB 8
1CAB 12
1CAB 66
x x
Lewis J Boss North Scituate, RI 25 1CAN x x
Raymond W Farnum 42 43 44 45 46 12 Meeting St, Pawtucket, RI 100 1CAQ x
John A Bargamian William Ave, Norwood, RI 25 1CAS x x
Henry T Kollen 996 Eddy St, Providence, RI 350 1CAU x x
Eugene R McCullough 326 Smith St, Providence, RI 25 1CAY x x
Lester A Riley 67 Pidge Ave, Pawtucket, RI 25 1CBB x x
Clayton F Dixon 9 School St, Westerly, RI 50 1CBP x x x
John E Burke 12 Geldard St, Valley Falls, RI 15 1CBR x x x
Herant Toumajanian 58 Gibbs St, Newport, RI 100 1CBW x
Corliss B Gardner 10 Broadrock St, Peace Dale, RI 100 1CBY x
Newport Radio Club Mary St, Newport, RI 50 1CCD x x x
Earl W Barber East Ave, Westerly, RI 50 1CCG x x x
Walter Kemble 63 Alger Ave, Providence, RI 25 1CCI x x
Gordon W Battey Samoset St, Watch Hill, RI 1000 1CDM 8
x x
Earl S Siswick Hope Valley, RI 50 1CEO x x
George L Babcock El Reposo, Watch Hill, RI 30 1CER x x
John C B Washburn East Greenwich, RI 15 1CEZ x x
Lewis C Leighton 161 Fountain St, Providence, RI 15 1CFQ x x
Vahe Johnson 259 Farmington Ave, Cranston, RI 10 1CGO x x
Wilbur Newton 69 Arnold St, Edgewood, RI 200 1CGT x x
Arthur William Ganz 39 Viola St, Providence, RI 50 1CGX x x
Pawtucket Boys Club 53 East Ave, Pawtucket, RI 500 1CIN x x
Edward A Dolan 6 Hobart St, Westerly, RI 25 1CIU x x
Harold R Bassett, Jr 94 Armington St, Cranston, RI 25 1CIV 13
x x
Horton B Weaver 603 Angell St, Providence, RI 10 1CJE x x
Roy B. Julles 38 Harrison St, Pawtucket, RI 1CJH 66
500 1CJN x
CeCo Tubes Providence,RI 250 1CLN 66
Mitchell Adams, Jr 205 Hunts St 1000 1CLR x x
Benjamin F Cutter 1059 Westminster St, Providence, RI 500 1CMI x
Max Ortelt 27 Samson St, Providence, RI 20 1CMJ x x
Edwin Sargent 68 Alger Ave, Providence, RI 20 1CMP 8
Edwin Sargent 68 Alger Ave, Providence, RI 20 1CMQ x
Raymond P Griswold
Raymond P Griswold
Raymond P Griswold
Raymond P Griswold
Raymond P Griswold
Raymond P Griswold
164 Webster Ave, Providence, RI 25 1CN x x
Andrew R Connet 67 Whitmarsh St, Providence, RI 20 1CNJ x x
Frederick B White 141 Columbus Ave, Cranston, RI 250 1CON x x
James Whitehill Thompson 28 Channing St, Newport, RI 20 1CQZ x x
Paul St Jacques, Jr 272 Adams St, Woonsocket, RI 20 1CPH x
Thomas L Siglin, Jr. 23 Norwich Ave, Providence, RI 20 W1CPH
Roger Williams 41 44 Pitman St, Providence, RI 10 1CPX x x
John Henry Kelly, Jr 38 Carroll Ave, Newport, RI 5 1CQB x x
James R Wikle Royal Mills, Riverpoint, RI 1000 1CQG x x
Russel E Thomas 82 Mill St, Newport, RI 20 1CQW x x
Fredrick L Curran 96 N Bend St, Pawtucket, RI 500 1CRG x x
Stanley N Read 191 Alabams Ave, Providence, RI 5 1CRI 8
1CRI 8
1CRI 8
1CRI 66
x x
George Parker Lawton Tiverton Four Corners, iverson, RI 25 1CRM x x
Reginald V Person 4 Coggshall Ave, Newport, RI 30 1CRN x x
Chester F Scott 29 Alice Ave, Woonsocket, RI 10 1CSW 66
x x
Daniel E White 12 Park St, Newport, RI 5 1CTQ x x
Harold R Fredericks 1044 Main St, Pawtucket, RI 5 1CUN x
Herbert S Barnett
Herbert S Barnett 56 57
993 Manton Ave, Providence, RI 5 1CUT x
Herbert S Barnett 86 Walllace St, Providence, RI 5 1CUT x
Alexander R Johnson 19 Almy St, Providence, RI 250 1EA x
Henry N Armbrust Box42, Jamestown, RI 25 1ED x x
Russell Smith 210 Pleasant, Providence, RI 1EI 66
Nathaniel B Judkins 1474 Pawtucket Ave, East Providence, RI 1EM
John White 47 58 78 Hope St, Providence, RI 25 1FNE 73
Peter A MacIntyre 6 Fairoaks Ave, Providence, RI 25 1EJ x x
George A Brown 13 Prince St, Pawtucket, RI 50 1ET x
Raymond P Adams 160 Cypress Sr, Providence, RI 100 1EAR x
John W Marren 39 Touro St, Newport, RI 100, 500 1FT x x x
H H Tilley Woolworth Building, Providence, RI 10 1GV 8
1GV11 8
1GV 8
1GV 66
x x
Sidney S Blake 42 Main St, Westerly, RI 250 1IAP x
Emile Coursoden 636 Broad St, Central Falls, RI 250 1IAT x
Leonard M Luther 68 Daniels St, Pawtucket, RI 250 1IAW x
117 Harrison Ave, Cranston, RI 1ID 8
Franklin S Huddy40
Franklin S Huddy
Franklin S Huddy
204 Bowen St, Providence, RI 500 1II12
x x x
Franklin S Huddy32 204 Bowen St, Providence, RI 500 1IJ x
William R Brown 59 Abbott St, Pawtucket, RI 100 1JAZ x
A W Manchester 54 Gibbs Ave, Newport, RI 100, 10 1JF x x x x
Mitchell A Kapland 70 Humboldt Ave, Providence, RI 100 1KAJ x
Joseph D Guillemette 70 Magill St, Pawtucket, RI 70 1LO x x
George E Jette 161 Summer St, Central Falls, RI 500 1LAQ x
Herbert R Grimshaw Brown University, Providence, RI 450 1LAU x
Edward Kingsley 4 Battery St, Newport, RI 100 1LAZ x
Howard W Thornley 7 Belmont St, Pawtucket, RI 500 1MAD x
Harry C Merry
Harry C Merry
147 Sumter St, Pawtucket, RI 1MO 12
1MO 33
1MO 66
1MO 69
E. L. Crandell 37 Brownwell St, Providence, RI 1MP 66
Lloyd Manuel 6 Nicol Ter, Newport, RI 500 1MV x x
Geoffrey E Warburton 24 Walker Ave, Lincoln, RI 10 1NA x x
Emile H Aubin 164 Robinson Ave, Pawtucket, RI 500 1NC x
Raymond P Caldwell 18 Morton St, Providence, RI 250, 10 1NG x x x x
William V Polleys, Jr 97 Taber Ave, Providence, RI 400 1NJ x x
Aaron Norman 20 Benefit St, Providence, RI 100 1OAO x
Joseph W Cohen 416 North Main At, Providence, RI 100 1OAV x
Seabury B Waring Tiverton, RI 500, 50 1OD x x x
Raymond W Farnum 12 Meeting St, Pawtucket, RI 1000 1OJ 8
1OJ 66
x x x
Carlleton S Spear Pierce St, East Greenwich, RI 15 1OK x x
William Jackson 250 1OMP 76
L W Armstrong 87 Rugby St, Providence, RI 10 1OU 12
1OU 66
x x x x
Nelson B Stackpole
Nelson B Stackpole
Nelson B Stackpole
Nelson B Stackpole
139 Pratt St, Providence, RI 250. 500 1OW 8
1OW 8
1OW 66
1OW 70
x x x
Charles A Sohegian 107 Wilson St, Providence, RI 5 1PA x
T L OConnell 40 Dartmouth Ave, Providence, RI 25 1PB
1PB 66
Nathaniel B Judkins 61 1474 Pawtucket Ave, East Providence, RI 100 1PM x x
Nathaniel B Judkins 1474 Pawtucket Ave, East Providence, RI 100 U1PM 8
Lester E Gavitt 43 Beach St, Westerly, RI 500 1PY x x
Edwars C Cole 62 Brown St, Pawtucket, RI 100 1QJ x x
G T Adams 107 Linwood Ave, Pawtucket, RI 1QL 66
Albert J King 261 Northrup Street, Edgewood, RI 10 1QR 8
1QR 8
1QR 66
R Chapman 4 Hillside Ave, Westerly, RI 500 1QV 8
1QV 8
1QV 66
James L Jenks, Jr 209 Cottage St, Pawtucket, RI 500 1QY x x x x
Gifford L Weston 56 Brook St, Pawtucket, RI 100 1RQ x x
Elliot B Hull 59 Pitman St, Providence, RI 100 1TAH x
Leonard C Jenson 125 Lexingron St, Providence, RI 100 1TAI x
Alvan B Conway 33 South St, Pawtucket, RI 100 1TAX x
Harold Dewing 205 Camp St, Providence, RI 100 1TAY x
Francis Horgan 239 Broadway, Newport, RI 1TI
Ludlow P Mahan Harrison Ave, Newport, RI 100 1TJ x x
Ludlow P Mahan 4 Wesley St, Newport, RI 20 1TJ x x
Charles J Mahony 18 Pond Ave, Newport, RI 150, 40 1TN x x x x
Ralph J Liedel Lincoln Park, Hillsgrove, RI 500 1UAX x
Omar E Cote 184 Harrison St, Pawtucket, RI 500 1UB x x x x
Reginald M Pease 5 W Park St, Providence, RI 100 1US x x
Elliot B Hull 184 Hope St, Providence, RI 1UX
F L Simons 51 Lonsdale Ave, Pawtucket, RI 100 1VAC x
Gilbert W Johnson 75 Onterio St, Providence, RI 550 1VF x x x x
Francis Xavier La France 93 Warren Ave, Pawtucket, RI 100 1VH x x
Charles Dwyer 14 Cranston St, Newport, RI 100 1WAG x
Joseph Lavalley Pascog, RI 500 1WAO x
Edmund I Waldman 73 Whitmarsh St, Providence, RI 12 1WB x
Henry D. Wilson, Jr. 151 Power St, Providence, RI 5 1WE 66
x x x x
Len 1ZS 66
Ralph C Watrous 38 80 81 20 Diman Pl, Providence, RI 500 1WM x x
Ralph C Watrous 38 80 81 Watchaug Pond, Geroge Town, RI 500 1WN x x
John W Whitmore 64 Meadow St, Pawtucket, RI 100, 1000 1WO 8
1WO 12
1WO 66
x x x x

Click to enlarge
Pawtucket Times October 10, 1899

Bristol Phoenix
October 16, 1906

Electrician and Mechanic July 1908

Electrician and Mechanic July 1908

Electrician and Mechanic July 1908

Click to enlarge
Providence Journal
March 31, 1910

Amature Station "IUW" of A R Nilson
Providence, RI, 1912
Radio Pioneers 1945
By the Institute of Radio Engineers

Bristol Phoenix
November 12, 1912

Woonsocket Call December 6, 1912

Providence Journal
January 9, 1913

Providence Journal
January 9, 1913

Electical Experimenter
June 1914

Electricl Experimenter
October 1914

Electrical Experimenter
September 1916

Providence Journal April 8, 1917

Pawtucke Times April 9, 1917

Pawtucket Times April 21, 1917

Wireles Age
June 6, 1917

The Electrical Experimenter June 1917

Electrical Experimenter
December 1917

Pawtucket Times June 1, 1918

Wireless Age July, 1919

Wireless Age
September, 1919

Electrical Experimenter June 1920

Click to enlarge
Providence Journal May 1, 1921

Providence Journal
March 5, 1922

The Brattleboro Reformer
May 24, 1922

Battle Creek Enquirer
May 21, 1922

Radio Dealer June 1922

Providence Journal
November 14, 1922

Click to enlarge
Providence Journal
February 25, 1923

Click to enlarge
Radio Age October, 1923

Wireless Age October, 1923

Popular Radio August, 1924

Radio August, 1924

Wireless Age
September 1924

Wireless World
February 1925

Wireless World
May 1925

Providence Journal July 23, 1925

Click to enlarge
Pawtucket Times
April 5, 1926

The Evening Sun, May 1, 1926

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Providence Journal
January 23, 1926

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Providence Journal
January 24, 1926

Providence Journal
March 27, 1927

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Pawtucket Times
June 7, 1927

Providence Journal
June 30, 1927

Radio Broadcast August, 1927

Providence Journal
April 20, 1929

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Pawtucket Times
July 27, 1929

Providence Journal
September 8, 1929

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Pawtucket Times
December 16, 1929

Short Wave Craft March 1934

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Radio Craft
March 1938
"Of Old Timers"

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Rural Radio
June, 1939


Merrill Peckham Budlong was Born in Arlington, New Jersey, May 21, 1912, and was a resident of Rhode Island from the age of two. He resided the Edgewood section of Cranston since 1918.

As an avid amateur radio operator (call letters W1MB) and proficient Morse Code operator, he enjoyed contacting radio hams throughout the world. He founded the Fidelity Amateur Radio Club, which met for more than thirty years at his home. He was a Major in the R.I. Civil Air Patrol and a director of the New England Wireless and Steam Museum 30.

During the war Merrill was exempt from the military but got very active in the Civil Air Patrol, another quasi military group. He designed this little radio called the "Little Rhody". They made over one hundred of them and were used so that the different stations around the state could communicate in emergencies 31.

Providence Journal
May 14, 1967

Providence Journal
December 10, 1967

Providence Journal
December 10, 1967


QST March 1916

Pawtucket Times May 17, 1948

Pawtucket Times
October 14, 1918

Pawtucket Times
January 5, 1912

Pawtucket Times June 12, 1917


Log book of Amateur Radio Station
Carl H. Whittier
34 Barnes St.
Providence, R. I.
May 18, 1932-April 6, 1932
Donated by Merrill Bancroft

Click to read PDF

William Slater Allen, 1BQT, W1LU

WILLIAM SLATER ALLEN Allen was born in Providence, Rhode Island on September 20, 1904 to Philip and Helen S. (nee Reed) and was a descendent of Rhode Island Governor (1851-1853) and United States Senator (1853-1859) Philip Allen (Rhode Island Heritage Hall of Fame 2002) and the notable French Huguenot zealot Gabriel Bernon founder of the Cathedral of St. John in Providence in 1722.

Allen was educated at New England prep schools and enrolled at Yale University's Sheffield Scientific School where he used his early interest in amateur radio to experiment in the design of radio tubes and was active in the development of very high frequency (VHF) communications. Allen graduated from Yale in 1927 and joined the Providence industrial firm of Allen and Reed, Inc. where his father held the position of treasurer. The firm had begun in 1902 as a wholesale corporation of industrial supplies especially pipes, valves, and fittings. The company also engaged in the conversion of Rhode Island cotton weaving and spinning mills to make the new orion and nylon "wonder fabrics"

In 1939 Allen was appointed by Rhode ISland Governor William Henry Vanderbilt as chairman of the Rhode Island Industrial Rehabilitation Commission where he served until 1941. In the years before the United States involvment in World War II Reed and Allen became involved with lend-lease war production. At the same time William Slater Allen co-founded Franklin Machine and Foundry which manufactured mounting bases used for antiaircraft guns during the Battle of Britain. He also served as president of Textile finishing and Machinery which manufactured subassemblies for the 20mm Oelikon automatic antiaircraft gun which ws the most numerous antiaircraft weapons used aboard Allied warships during the war.

Allen left his civilian responsibilities to join the United States Navy and served in the Pacific Theater of Operations. He was influential in the Navy's decision to open a naval air station at Quonset Point rather than at one of several other considered sites. He was laso involved with night fighter training at that installation.

The end of World War II brought Allen back to civilian life and to Allen and Reed. He married Elizabeth Grinnell (nee Lawrence) and together they had two sons one of whom went on to serve as Attorney General of Rhode Island during the administrations of Governor John H. Chafee (1963-1969). In 1949 Allen ascended to the presidency of Allen and Reed and the company enjoyed immense prosperity in the post war period and on into the 1950s and 1960s while expanding into Connecticut.

In his years as company president and up fo his retirement and beyond, Mr. Allen was a civic and business leader in many fields. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the former Providence National Bank and the Providence Chapter of the American Red Cross. He served on the Board of Trustees that reopened Butler Hospital and on the Board of Directors that founded the Rhode Istand Philharmonic Orchestra. He was a lifetime member of St. John's Cathedral founded by his ancestor and served on the governing board of the Cathedral Corporation for many years. Mr. Allen also co-founded the New England Wireless and Steam Engine Museum in East Greenwich, Rhode Istand which still welcomes visitors today.

Williams spouse, Elizabeth, was also active in many civic and charitable organizations and sauses throughoput her life. Together the Aallaens made a difference to the people and the quality of life within Rhode Island over many, many years. William Slater Allen dies on April 25, 1991 at the age of 86 and was buried at Swan Point Cemetery in Providence.

Rhode Island Heritage Hall of Fame

Click to enlarge
Rhode Island Heritage Hall of Fame

1 US Special Land Stations: 1913-1921
2 United States Pioneer Broadcast Service Stations: Actions Through June, 1922
4 Amateur Radio Station of the United States, 1920-1923
6 Rhode Island Amusement Parks, Robert Lewis and Ryan Young
8 I own this card
9 QSL courtesy of Art Donahue, W1AWX
10 New England Wireless and Steam Museum Collection
11 QSL and Reception Reports Collection
12 Rhode Island QSL Cards
13 QST March 1922
29 Pawtucket Times March 22, 1927
31 Communications Receivers
32 Providence Journal, May 1st, 1921
33 oldqslcards.com
34 Providence Journal August 15, 1927
35 Providence Journal April 23, 1928
36 Radio News March 1922
37 Providence Journal July 7, 1929
38 Radio World 1928
39 The Talking Machine World November 15, 1926
40 Providence Journal January 13, 1923
41 Providence Journal April 26, 1925
42 Providence Pawtucket Times Friday June 18, 1926
43 Today June 1930
44 QST December 1922
45 Wireless Age May 1921
46 Spring 1938 Radio Amateur Call Book
66 Pete, NL7XM
67 St George's Radio School
68 Patrick Rigg Collection
69 SM5LNE Collection
70 G5BV Estate
71 K8CX Collection
72 F2VX Collection
73 Frank Donovan Collection
74 QSL from the estate of 9DCR, K8CX Collection, Info courtesy of W5KNE, W3LPL
75 QSL from the estate of 9DCT, K8CX Collection, Info courtesy of W3LPL
76 QSL from the estate of W5KC, Courtesy of W5KNE, Info courtesy of W3LPL
77 Thanks to David K0IEA
78 Thanks to Ghis ON5NT
79 W1QLD
80 Providence Journal March 5, 1919
80 ProvidenceJ ournal November 14, 1919