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In 1903 one of the leading manufacturers of enclosed fuses was having trouble with their soldering due to the variation in the quality of the particular grade of soldering flux which they were using. The M W Dunton Company of Providence, RI, learning of this, made up a soldering paste with the sole object of helping the other fellow. This paste gave such satisfaction that the name “Nokorode” was adopted and it was put on the market in the expectation that there were other people who might also be interested in securing a soldering paste that was identically the same all the time. The results was that the sales of Nokoride increased rapidly from the first and have doubled every year for fourteen years. 1

On May 23rd, 1903 M W Dunton & Co filed for a label with the U S Patent office for “Nokorode”, the name chosen for their new solder paste. It was registered on June 16th of the same year under number 10,101. 2

Providence Journal
June 18, 1903

In 1906 the company was located at 65 Atlantic Avenue, Providence, R. I. It is unclear if this was their origional location in 1903. 3

Electrical Review June 12, 1906

Electrical Review June 12, 1906

Electrical Review June 12, 1906

Electrical Review June 12, 1906

Electrical Review June 12, 1906

In 1907 the M W Dunton Company, Providence, RI was incorporated with a capital stock of $50,000 to succeed to the business of M W Dunton & Co, The new firm will devote its entire attention to insulating materials. The management is unchanged. 4

Insulating materials is exactly what course the company took as it was listed as being a manufacturer of uncoated armature tapes and sleevings, red rope, paper, press board, Nokorode soldering paste and Black Diamond friction tape in 1909. 5

In June of 1916, M W Dunton filed a tradmark in Providence for two products, Kerosene Torch and Rubber Gloves. This is the first document that gives us a name that goes with the company, Frank Chapman

Providence Journal
June 17, 1916

Electrical Experimenter
August 1918

On October 17th, 1916, M W Dunton filed a tradmark for the preperation in stoping leaks in automobile radiators. 16

Business must have been booming because in 1920, the M W Dunton Company, now at 150 Niagra Street 6 Providence, RI moved into a new factory at 670 Eddy Street, Providence, RI that had five times the space it formally had. 7

Click to enlarge
The American Telephone Journal, Februaary 1921.

In 1921, Dunton's new plant was saved from a fire that broke out in the building next door. 10

In 1922, M W Dunton was appointed to the Memberhip Committee of the Providence Association of Credit Men. 11 Also in 1922 we find that Frank Chapmen is the Treasurer of the company 12

On June 26, 1923, the trademark "Nokorode" was registered. 18

In 1931, M W Dunton is part of an effort to explain Canadian tariffs and their effect on Providence Businesses. 13

On June 1st 1931, there was a fire reported in the factory at 670 Eddy Street. 14

In 1932 Duntons renewed two trademarks for their friction tape. 15

On October 17th, 1936, M W Dunton renewed a tradmark for the preperation in stoping leaks in automobile radiators. 16

In 1938 we fomnd a card pf thanks from the employees to Ernest V Halligan. Not sure if he is the manager or owner at this point. 17

June 26th, 1943 saw the renewal of the companies famous tradmark, "Nokorode". 18

There was a transfer of a lot and guildings from Withington Company to M. W. Dunton on December 28, 1950, for a prices listed as $10. Very strange. 19

Then on February 13, 1946 there is found what looks like a lease of zome property at 147 Public Street from Arthur B Rawcliffe with option for a renewal in one year. 20

In 1951 Dunton's is petitioned and granted full disability compensation by John H Fortier 21

Also in 1951 Dunton's sells its 670 Eddy Street factory to General Fabrics Company. The firm has been there for 30 years and recently moved to 7 Goff Street. 22

1951 saw the death of Dunton's long time treasurer and manager. 23

The technical director in 1957 is metallurgist and Warwick Veterans Memorial High School science department head, Joseph H Rohloff. 24

In 1959, Duntons employs about 50 people and is leasing 15,000 square feet in the former Nicholsen File Plant. 25

As part of a 2.61 million dollar government to a variety of Rhode Island state businesses, Dunton's wins a $10,261 contract for solder. 26 And then in 1961, as part of a 2 million dollar contract given to 25 firms in Rhode Island, Dunton's wins another $14,872 fpr solder and flux. 27

Government contracts seem to not keep the business solvent because starting on Novemebr 8, 1961 we see Duntons going into receivership due to a law suit by Allied Printing Company. 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33

In 1998 the company was bought by RectorSeal which still sells Nokorode solder paste 9 to this day. 8

Soldering Kinks

As part of the promotion of their solder products M W Dunton published a book called Soldering Kinks. Soldering Kinks was filled with soldering techniques, tips, and projects supplied by posters that sent them into the company. M W Dunton would pay $1.00 for any "Kink" that was published as seen by this ad from 1916 in Telephony Magazine.

Solder Kinks 1st Edition, 1915

Solder Kinks 2nd Edition, 1915

Slip included in the above edition.

Solder Kinks 3rd Edition, 1917

Solder Kinks 4th Edition, 1919


Click to enlarge
Nokorode Solder Paste Envelope

Click to enlarge
Nokorode Solder Paste Sample

Click to enlarge
Nokorode Solder Paste 1926

Click to enlarge
Soldering Kinks Forth Edition

Click to enlarge
Dunton's Black Diamond
Friction Tape
Early package, no zipcode

Click to enlarge
Dunton's Black Diamond
Friction Tape
Early package, no zipcode

Click to enlarge
Dunton's GEM Rosin Core Solder
Early package, no zipcode

Click to enlarge
Dunton's Tinners' Fluid
Early bottle, no zip code

Click to enlarge
Duntons 1lb Wire Solder
General 20-70
Early roll, no zipcode

Click to enlarge
Duntons 1lb Wire Solder
General 20-70
Early tin, no zipcode

Click to enlarge
Duntons 1lb Wire Solder
General 20-70
Early tin, no zipcode

Click to enlarge
Dunton's Solder Paste
Later Tin, with zip code

Click to enlarge
Dunton's Premium

Click to enlarge
Dunton's Soldering Paste
Later tin, with zip code

Click to enlarge
Dunton's Soldering Paste
Later tin, with zip code

Click to enlarge
Duntons Rosen Core Solder

Click to enlarge
Duntons Rosen Core Solder

Click to enlarge
M W Dunton Company
Sample Nokorode Soldering Paste.

Click to enlarge
M W Dunton Company
Sample Nokorode Soldering Paste.

Click to enlarge
M W Dunton Company
Sample Nokorode Soldering Paste.

Click to enlarge
M W Dunton Company
Sample Nokorode Soldering Paste.

Click to enlarge
M W Dunton Company
8oz Nokorode Soldering Paste.

Click to enlarge
M W Dunton Company
8oz Nokorode Soldering Paste.

Click to enlarge
M W Dunton Company
8oz Nokorode Soldering Paste.

Click to enlarge
M W Dunton Company
8oz Nokorode Soldering Paste.

Click to enlarge
M W Dunton Company
4oz Nokorode Soldering Paste.

Click to enlarge
M W Dunton Company
4oz Nokorode Soldering Paste.

Click to enlarge
M W Dunton Company
4oz Nokorode Soldering Paste.

Click to enlarge
M W Dunton Company
4oz Nokorode Soldering Paste.

Click to enlarge
M W Dunton Company
2oz Nokorode Soldering Paste.

Click to enlarge
M W Dunton Company
2oz Nokorode Soldering Paste.

Click to enlarge
M W Dunton Company
1 Dozen Nokorode Display Case.
Courtesy Of the
Anthony Truss

Click to enlarge
M W Dunton Company
1 Dozen Nokorode Display Case.
Courtesy Of the
Anthony Truss

Click to enlarge
M W Dunton Company
1 Dozen Nokorode Display Case.

Click to enlarge
M W Dunton Company
1 Dozen Nokorode Display Case.

Click to enlarge
M W Dunton Company
Tinners' Fluid

Click to enlarge
M W Dunton Company
Tinners' Fluid

16oz Can.

Advertising Disc

Nokorode Dislay Sign
Courtesy Of the
M W Dunton Company Archive

Tinners Fluid.


Electrical Age, August 1906.

Electrical Review
June 12, 1906.

Electrical Age, August 1906.

Daily Press
September 25 1938.

McGraw Electrical
Directory October, 1909

The McGraw Electrical
Directory, April 1910.

Click to enlarge
Telephony November, 1915

Click to enlarge
Hardware Dealers
Magazine March, 1915

Telephony January, 1917

Click to enlarge
Popular Radio
April 1925
Click to enlarge
Electrical Installation Record
October 1925

Broadcast Weekly March 6, 1933.


The Electrical Worker
December, 1905.

The Electrical Worker
August, 1906.

Electrical Age, August 1906.

Click to enlarge
McGraw Electrical Directory, October 1909.

McGraw Electrical Directory, October 1909.

Patent Office Trademark Registration

Click to enlarge
McGraw Electrical Directory, October 1909.

Click to enlarge
Hardware Dealers Magazine, March 1915.

Click to enlarge
Hardware Dealers Magazine, March 1915.

Hardware Dealers Magazine, March 1915.

Hardware Dealers
Magazine, March 1915.

Everyday Engineering Magazine, July 1918.

Everyday Engineering Magazine, August 1918.

Click to enlarge
Everyday Engineering Magazine, August 1918.

Click to enlarge
American Garageand Auto Dealer, January 1919.

American Garageand Auto
Dealer March 1919.

American Garage
and AutoDealer
April, 1919.

Telephony, May 1919.

Telephony, May 1919.

American Garage and
Auto Dealer
May 1919.

American Garage and Auto Dealer, July 1919.

Hardware Age, December 1920.
Courtesy Of the
M W Dunton Company Archive

The American Telephone Journal, Februaary 1921.

Click to enlarge
American Garageand Auto Dealer April 1922.

Electrical Record
June 1922.

Electrical Record
December 1922.

Popular Radio
November 1924.

Providence Journal December 17, 1918.

Providence Journal December 18, 1919.

Providence Journal November 5, 1924.

Providence Journal December 21, 1924.

Electrical Record March 1926.

Small Ads In Telephony Magazine 1916

Click to enlarge
M W Dunton Company
16oz Nokorode Soldering Paste.

Click to enlarge
M W Dunton Company
16oz Nokorode Soldering Paste.

Click to enlarge
M W Dunton Company
16oz Nokorode Soldering Paste.

1 The National Electrical Contractor, November, 1918

2 Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office, June 1903

3 The Electrical Worker Official Journal, February, 1906

4 Electrical Railway Review, July 13, 1907

5 Motor Cyclopeadia Year Book, 1909

6 Electrical Worker, 1920

7 The Automobile Trade Directory, January, 1922

8 http://www.dunton.org/

9 RectorSeal

10 Providence Journal February 19, 1921

11 Providence Journal September 11, 1922

12 Providence Journal December 24, 1922

13 Providence Journal March 26, 1931

14 Providence Journal June 2, 1931

15 Providence Journal September 4, 1932

16 Providence Journal November 22, 1936

17 Providence Journal December 25, 1938

18 Providence Journal June 26, 1943

19 Providence Journal December 28, 1950

20 Providence Journal February 13, 1946

21 Providence Journal March 1, 1951

22 Providence Journal July 8, 1951

23 Providence Journal September 21, 1951

24 Providence Journal June 9, 1957

25 Providence Journal November 18, 1959

26 Providence Journal October 2, 1960

27 Providence Journal August 13, 1961

28 Providence Journal November 8, 1961

29 Providence Journal November 11, 1961

30 Providence Journal November 25, 1961

31 Providence Journal November 29, 1961

32 Providence Journal April 13, 1962

33 Providence Journal August 14, 1962