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Rhode Island Radio Website!

Talking Machine World, December 1928

Here is a list of Rhode Island Radio Stores as listed in the Rhode Island Radio Fans Handbook from 1925 plus my additions.

It is amazing how many radio stores there were in Rhode Island in 1925. Here is a list of 231 stores with 98 in Providence alone. The population in Rhode Island in 1925 was 680,000 1 people. With an avarage family size of 4.2 2 people in 1925, that comes out to one store for every 701 families!

This statment, on August 2nd 1931, by Dr. Julius Klein, Assistant Secretary of Commerce, while predicting the possibility of a $6,000,000,000 radio industry rising out of the current depression tells it all. "Radio sets are most irregularly distributed, some states having but 5% or 6% of their homes so equipped, while Rhode Island has 57% and Connecticut almost 55%. Rhode Islanders loved Radio! 3

Click to enlarge
Providence Journal December 4, 1927

Providence Journal
March 4, 1929

Providence Journal
August 26, 1929

Click to enlarge
Radio Ownership as of April 1930

Providence Journal
November 30, 1930

Click to enlarge
Crazy Blue Law
Radio Broadcast, April 1928

The Birmingham News
May 24, 1925

Click to enlarge
Chicago Tribune
May 24 1925

Benny's 1930

Click to enlarge
Benny's 1930

Click to enlarge
Radio Tube with
Tested at Benny's Label
Photo Credit Mike Thompson
New England Wireless and Steam Museum

Click to enlarge
Magnavox R3 Horn Speaker
In the origional box
Shipping address to Liberty Radio Company
85 Washington St
Providence, Rhode Island
Photo Credit Ken Carr
New England Wireless and Steam Museum

Click to enlarge
Magnavox R3 Horn Speaker
In the origional box
Shipping address to Liberty Radio Company
85 Washington St
Providence, Rhode Island
Photo Credit Ken Carr
New England Wireless and Steam Museum

Click to enlarge
Magnavox R3 Horn Speaker
In the origional box
Shipping address to Liberty Radio Company
85 Washington St
Providence, Rhode Island
Photo Credit Ken Carr
New England Wireless and Steam Museum

Radio Retailing July 1926

Pawtucket Times May 21, 1925

Providence Journal
December 20, 1927

Fada Sales April 1929

Pawtucket Times August 22 and September 7, 1929

Click to enlarge
Woonsocket call October 11, 1929

Woonsocket Call December 18, 1929

The Portsmouth Herald
April 29, 1931

Woonsocket Call October 10, 1933

Pawtucket Times
February 8, 1935

Name Street # Street City State Ad(s)
Norton C Spencer Main St Apponaug RI
Tatro Edward Main and Grove Arctic RI
MacDonald Electric Supply Co 1252 Main St Arctic RI Ad1, Ad2
Harpin Aime 251-253 Washington St Arctic RI
J B Archambaut Washington st Arctic RI
Gardner Pharmacy 1278 Elmwood Ave Auburn RI
Malsch Bros. 5 Fenner St Auburn RI Ad1
Talbot & Hopkins 53 Bradford St Bristol RI Ad1
Herman Kemph Jr 681 Hope Bristol RI
Bristol Radio Shop 487 Hope St Bristol RI
Thomas Walkker 374 Wood Bristol RI
J A Landry 456-462 Broad St Central Falls RI
F J Bedard 602 Broad St Central Falls RI
H T Himeon 342 Broad Street Central Falls RI Ad1
Healey Bros Dexter and Moore Central Falls RI
Central Cycle & Auto Supply 429 Dexter St Central Falls RI
Louis J Samson 2019 Smith St Centredale RI
Centredale Pharmacy 2020 Smith St Centredale RI
A Emil Stevens Post Rd Chepiwanoxet RI
R O Dunn West Shore Rd Conimicut RI
Salk's General Store West Shore Rd Conimicut RI
John Evans 1298 Cranston St Cranston RI
Stedman Battery Shop Main opp Town Hall East Greenwich RI
W J McClure 108 Main St East Greenwich RI
W R Sharpe Hardware Co 50 Main St East Greenwich RI
Earnshaw Drug Company Updike Building East Greenwich RI Ad1
East Providence Electric Shop 780 ( ) Broadway (Six Corners) East Providence RI
Philip Grubman 15 Taunton Ave East Providence RI
David Siperstein 280 Taunton Ave East Providence RI Ad1
Fredrick H Knapp 120 Warren Ave East Providence RI
Cabana & Breault Main St Harrisville RI
W E Gaucher Main St Harrisville RI
Henry Lloyd Buteau Main St Hope Valley RI
Myer Electric Co Spring St Hope Valley RI
Victory Hardware Co 1734 Cranston St Knightsville RI
Courtland McCombs King and Main Lafayette RI
C A Clough Warwick Ave Lakewood RI
Lincoln Park Auto Aupply Apponaug Ave Lincoln Park RI
Albert Zuelinder 50 Spring St Manville RI
Broadway Accessory Shop 31 A Broadway Newport RI Ad1
Radio Headquarters 40 Broadway Newport RI Ad1
Bostel's Garage 54 EastBowery Newport RI
W A Maher 13 Farewell Newport RI
Economy Radio Shop 5 FarewellSt Newport RI Ad1
L Clairmont Grinnell 50 FriendshipSt Newport RI
Burns & Dawley 186 MainSt Newport RI
Lloyd Manuel 29 MarlboroughSt Newport RI Ad1
Barney's Music Store Inc 140 Thames St Newport RI Ad1
J J Newbery Co 166 ThamesSt Newport RI
Plummer's Music Store 203 ThamesSt Newport RI
Peirson Radio Supply Company 379 ThamesSt Newport RI Ad1
Jones Motor Mart 24 WashingtonSq Newport RI
George H Chase 28 WashingtonSquare Newport RI Ad1
Salks General Store Oakland Beach Oakland Beach RI
J L Doyle Oakland Beacy Ave Oakland Beach RI
Olneyville Battery Service 142 PlainfieldSt Olneyville RI Ad1
W H Sawyer 1911 WestminsterSt Olneyville RI
B Kalunian & Co 1937 WestminsterSt Olneyville RI
N P Boutiette Main St Pascog RI Ad1
Koscelnik's Specialty Store Main St Pascog RI
Pawtuxet Pharmacy 2206 Broad St Pawtucet RI Ad1
Depot Hardware Co 154 Broad St Pawtucket RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, Ad5, Ad6, Ad7, Ad8, Ad9, Ad10, Ad11, Ad12, Ad13, Ad14, Ad15, Ad16, Ad17, Ad18, Ad19, Ad20, Ad21,
Najarian's 5 to 50 Cents Store 12 Broad St Pawtucket RI
S Colitz 9 Broad St Pawtucket RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4
Pawtucket Electric Supply Co 134 BroadSt Pawtucket RI
F E Congdon 453 Broadway Pawtucket RI Ad1
Thomas F Flannery 584 Broadway Pawtucket RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Article
Horgan Bros 39 Broadway St Pawtucket RI
Maloney Bros 15 Dexter St Pawtucket RI Ad1
William T Mitchell 193 Dexter St Pawtucket RI
Motorcycle Supply Company 85 East Ave Pawtucket RI Ad1
Cut Price Auton & Radio Co 53 Exchange St Pawtucket RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, Ad5, Ad6, Ad7, Ad8, Ad9, Ad10, Ad11,
E and A Inc 23 High St Pawtucket RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, Ad5, Ad6, Ad7, Ad8, Ad9, Ad10, Ad11, Ad12, Ad13, Ad14, Ad15, Ad16, Ad17, Ad18, Ad19
Universal Auto Supply Co 139 HighSt Pawtucket RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, Ad5, Ad6, Ad7, Ad8, Ad9, Ad10, Ad11, Ad12, Ad13, Ad14,
E P Baker 14 Leather St Pawtucket RI
Lunden Jewelry Co 181 Main St Pawtucket RI
Pawtucket Jewelry Co 189 Main St Pawtucket RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, Ad5, Ad6, Ad7,
Gallagher & Mooney 217-219 Main St Pawtucket RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, Ad5, Ad6, Ad7, Ad8, Ad9, Ad10, Ad11, Ad12, Ad13, Ad14, Ad15, Ad16, Ad17, Ad18, Ad19, Ad20, Ad21
William K Toole Co 230-232 Main St Pawtucket RI
Shartenburg's 250-260 Main St Pawtucket RI Ad1, Ad2,
M Steinerts & Sons Co 312 Main St Pawtucket RI
J W Travers 65 Main St Pawtucket RI
Burdon & Mason 130 MainSt Pawtucket RI Ad1, Ad2,
DeLancey Felch & Company 11 Meeting St Pawtucket RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3
Marceau Bros 199-201 Mineral Spring Ave Pawtucket RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, Ad5, Ad6, Ad7, Ad8
Goffe & Son 17-19 North Main St Pawtucket RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4
Fairlawn Radio & Hardware Supply Company 572 Smithgield Ave Pawtucket RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, Ad5, Ad6, Ad7, Ad8, Ad9, Ad10, Ad11, Article
Pawtucket Auto Supply 26-28 Summer St Pawtucket RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, Ad5, Ad6, Ad7, Ad8, Ad9, Ad10, Ad11
C P Spencer 2177 Broad St Pawtuxet RI
Phenix Electric Co 748 Main St Phenix RI
Scannevin & Potter 22 Aborn St Providence RI
G E C Radio Co 28 Aborn St Providence RI
Richman Radio Supply Co 42 Franklin St Providence RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4
G & U Buonaccors 271 Atwells Ave Providence RI
Sullivan Supply Co Broad & Gallatin Sts Providence RI
Specialty Auto Sales Co 1082 Broad St Providence RI
Taylor-Electric 1206 Broad St Providence RI Ad1
John L Strong 1481 Broad St Providence RI Ad1
Park Hardware Shop 1495 Broad St Providence RI
Jorden Motor Sales Inc 155 Broad St Providence RI
Providence Radio Co 19 Broad St Providence RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, Ad5, Ad6, Ad7, Ad8, Ad9, Ad10, Ad11
Reliable Supply Co 19 Broad St Providence RI
Edward E Bidmead 2195 Broad St Providence RI Ad1
Battery Service Company 234 Broad St Providence RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4
Broad Street Auto Supply 279 Broad St Providence RI Ad1
B W Swenson 522 Broad St Providence RI
The Radio Shop 856 Broad St Providence RI Ad1, Ad2
The Radio Shop 76 Dorrance St, Case-Meade Building Providence RI Ad1, Ad2
Irving D Paster Inc 95 Broad St Providence RI Ad1
Fuller Storage Battery Co 140 Broadway Providence RI Ad1
The Post & Lester Co 89 Broadway Providence RI
Gordon S Wood 514 - Caesar-Misch Bldg Providence RI
Mt Pleasant Hardware Co 1091-1094 Chalkstone Ave Providence RI
Ross Antenna Co 69 Charles St/ Bath St Providence RI
American Ball Company 115 Clifford St Providence RI Ad1
Armory Hardware Co 302 Cranston St Providence RI
Ray Manufacturing Co 215 Dean St Providence RI
Colwell Machine Co 159 Dexter St Providence RI
Boston Electric Company 123 Dorrance St Providence RI
Crittenden Radio Store 92 Dorrance St Providence RI
Marshall & Co 94 Dorrance St Providence RI Ad1
Narragansett Radio Corp 133-135
Dyer St
Empire St
Providence RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3
C A Michaud 267 Eddy St Providence RI
E C Church Co 5 7 Eddy St Providence RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3
Victor Tire Co 140 Elmwood Ave Providence RI
Auto Hardware Supply Co Inc 119 Empire St Providence RI
Little Rhody Radio Store 122 Empire St Providence RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, Ad5, Ad6, Ad7, Ad8, Ad9, Ad10, Ad11
W A Huse & Son Inc 128 Empire St Providence RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3
Empire Radio Co 23 Empire St Providence RI Ad1, Ad2, Article1,Ad2,Schmatic
Providence Electric Co 87 Empire St Providence RI Ad1
McDowell Co 63 , 10-11 Empire St, rms Providence RI
A E Lindberg 63 , 14-15 Empire St, rms Providence RI
Dudley Hardware Co 49 Exchange Place Providence RI
Waite Auto Supply Co 64 Exchange Place Providence RI Ad1, Ad2
G Morvillo & Sons 239 Federal St Providence RI Ad1
Benny's 79 Fountain St Providence RI Ad1, Ad2
Tee-Are-See Stores 122 Fountain St Providence RI
Universal Sales & Service Inc 134 Fountain St Providence RI
Times Square Auto Aupply Co Inc 31 Fountain St Providence RI
American Auto Supply Co 91-93 Fountain ST Providence RI
Standard Suto Supply Co 30 Franklin St Providence RI
Community Radio & Auto Supply Co 68 Hope St Providence RI
F E Domina 802-806 Hope St Providence RI Ad1
Cleartone Radio Supply Co 5 Laura St Providence RI Ad1
B & H Supply Co Inc 116 Mathewson St Providence RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, Ad5, Ad6, Ad7, Ad8, Ad9, Ad10, Ad11,
Contest, Contest 2
Providence Hardware & Supply Co, Inc 76-78 Mathewson St Providence RI Ad1
Quality Radio Store 86
Mathewson St
Washington St
Providence RI Ad1
Richard G Davis 236-240 Meeting St Providence RI Ad1
Union Electric Supply Company 60 Pine St Providence RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, Ad5, Ad6, Ad7, Ad8, Ad9, Ad10, Ad11
B F & A W Hopkins 505 Plainfield St Providence RI
Posner Hardware & Supply Co 527-529 Prarie Ave Providence RI
Y D Auto Supply Station 160 Randall St Providence RI
George L Claflin Co 65 South Main St Providence RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3
Thurbers Ave Garage 158 Thurber Ave Providence RI
Lightning Battery Co Washingtom and Dean Streets Providence RI Ad1
Chain Hardware Co 142 Washington St Providence RI
City Hall Hardware Co 148 Washington St Providence RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Tube1, Tube2
R I Electrical Equipment Co 45 Washington St Providence RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, Ad5, Ad6, Ad7, Ad8, Ad9, Ad10, Ad11
Liberty Radio Company 85 Washington St Providence RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, Ad5, Ad6
The Shepard Rado Store 80 Washington St Providence RI Ad1, Ad2
Economy Auto Supply Co (Radio Dept) 26 West Exchange Providence RI
F W Woolworth Co 185 Westminster St Providence RI
S S Kresage Co 191-193 Westminster St Providence RI
W T Grant Co 317 Westminster St Providence RI
F & W Grand 5-10-25 Cent Stores Inc 346 Westminster St Providence RI
M Steinert & Sons 495-501 Westminster St Providence RI Ad1, Ad2
Colitz Hardware Store 735 Westminster St Providence RI
Tilden-Thurber 292 Westminster St Providence RI Ad1
C H Robinson Inc 736-738-742 Westminster St/ Summer St Providence RI Ad1
Tilley Radio Company 187 /311 Westminster St/ Woolworth Building Providence RI Ad1, Ad2, QSL4, Ad3, Ad4, Artical
Callender McAuslan & Troup Co Westminster, Union and Fulton Sts Providence RI Ad1
The Outlet Co 148-178 Weybosset St Providence RI Ad1
Quinn & Co 179-181 Weybosset St Providence RI Ad1
A T Scattergood Co 210 Weybosset St Providence RI Ad1, Ad2
Flint-Adaskin Furniture Co 243 Weybosset St Providence RI Ad1
Charles S Bush Co 244-246 Weybosset St Providence RI
Blanding & Blanding 58 Weybosset St Providence RI Ad1, Ad2, Letter
Duffy Hardware Co 78 Weybosset St Providence RI
Kern Music Co 84 Weybosset St Providence RI Ad1
T F & T J Hayden 92 Weybosset St Providence RI
Bell A & Son Inc 201 Wickenden Providence RI
F W Hennessy 172 Wickenden St Providence RI Ad1 , Ad2 , Ad3 , Ad4 , Ad5 , Ad6
, Ad7 , Ad8 , Ad9 , Ad10 , Ad11 Ad12
, Ad13 , Ad14 , Ad15 , Ad16 , Ad17 , Ad18
, Ad19 , Ad20 , Ad21 , Ad22 , Ad23 , Ad24
, Ad25 , Patent1 , Patent2 , Patent3
Leon & Leonard Radio Sales and Service 509 Main St Warren RI Article1, Article2, Article3
Blanchard Radio & Electric Company rm208 197 Westminster (Woolworth Bldg) Providence RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, Ad5, Ad6, Ad7, Ad8
Ad9, Ad10, Article, Article2
F H Raymond 277 Bullocks Point Ave Riverside RI
Tyler's Filling Station 461 Bullocks Point Ave Riverside RI
Pomham Drug Company Riverside RI Ad1
Thornton Hardware Store 1375 Plainfield Thornton RI
Levi Lbbotson Main near Stone Bridge Tiverton RI
Grinnell's Garage Main Rd near Stone Bridge Tiverton RI
E George Kent 318 High St Valley Falls RI
L W Tucker Co Depot Square Wakefield RI
The Electric Shop 82-84 Main St Wakefield RI
A James Wright 94 Main St Wakefield RI
O P Kenyon Inc Main St Wakefield RI
A J Heon & Son 359 Main St Warren RI Ad1
The Radio Shop 459 Main St Warren RI Ad1
Brownie Radiophone Co 415 South Water St Warren RI
Alexander Cook Main St Washington RI
Franklin's Garage Main St Washington RI
Service Auto Supply Main St Washington RI
West Barrington Repair Shop Bay Spring Ave West Barrington RI
Andrew Jansson Washington Rd West Barrington RI
M Steinhert & Sons 41 Broad St Westerly RI
C W Willard Hardware Co 38-40 High St Westerly RI
G E Sanders 199 Main St Westerly RI
Coleman's Electric Shop 26 Main St Westerly RI
Samuel Girven & Co 86-88 Main St Westerly RI
Auto Electric Supply 6 Mechanic St Westerly RI
A W Burnham 45 West Broad St Westerly RI
Whitall Radio Co 43 Main St Westerly RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, Ad5,
Ad6, Ad7, Ad8, Ad9, Ad10, Ad11
Modern Radio Shop 191 Broadway Providence RI Ad1
The Electric Shop 36 Brown ST Wickford RI
C B Byrnes West Main Rd Wickford RI
Parent's Tire & Auto Supply 143 Court Sq Woonsocket RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3
J E Grenon & Company 85 Front St Woonsocket RI Ad1
S S Kresage Co 130-132 Main St Woonsocket RI
Fellman Radio & Supply Company 276 Main St Woonsocket RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, Ad5, Ad6, Ad7, Ad8, Ad9
La Roe's Music Store 283 Main St Woonsocket RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, Ad5, Ad6, Ad7, Ad8, Ad9, Ad10, Ad11, Ad12, Ad13, Ad14, Ad15, Ad16
Woonsocket Phonograph Co Inc 321 Main St Woonsocket RI Ad1, Ad2
Rhode Island Electric Supply Company 99 Main St Woonsocket RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, Ad5, Ad6, Ad7, Ad8, Ad9, Ad10, Ad11, Ad12, Ad13, Ad14, Ad15, Ad16, Ad17, Ad18, Ad19, Ad20, Ad21, Ad22, Ad23, Ad24
Derosier's Tire and Battery Service 77 North Main St Woonsocket RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3
Cole's Radio 503 Social Corner Woonsocket RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, Ad5
Battery Service Company 647 Social St Woonsocket RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3
Star Electric Co 14-16 South Main St Woonsocket RI
E B Hunt Radio & Auto Supply Co 247 South Main St Woonsocket RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, Ad5, Ad6, Ad7, Ad8
McCarthy's 193 Main St Woonsocket RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, Ad5, Ad6, Ad7, Ad8, Ad9, Ad10, Ad11, Ad12, Ad13
Meiklejohn 297 Weybosset Street Providence RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, History1
Frank B Perry & Sons 15 Westminster St
Hospital Trust Building
Providence RI Ad1
F D Pitts Co, Inc. 187 Westminster St
Woolworth Building
Providence RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, QSL4, QSL5, QSL6, Ad4, Ad5
Radio Tube Service Co. Room 306 Arcadia Ballroom Bldg. Providence RI Ad1
Radio Island Radio School 511 Westminster Street Providence RI Ad1, Ad2
Albert G Benson 146 Westminster Street Providence RI Ad1, Ad2
Frank Alford 91 Laurel Hill Ave Providence RI Ad1
Battery Service Company of Providence 236 Broad St Providence RI Ad1
Dorrance Radio Company 92 Dorrance St Providence RI Ad1
Elmwood Radio Company 152 Elmwood Ave Providence RI Ad1
Fosters 69 Dorrance St Providence RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4
John R Maloney 68 Hope St Providence RI Ad1
Old Victor Auto & Radio Supply Company 282 Knight St Providence RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3
Providence Distributing Company Inc 625 Westminster St Providence RI Ad1
Randall Square Radio Company 154 1/2 Charles St Providence RI Ad1
W D Radio Company 25 Fountain St rm4 Providence RI Ad1, Ad2
Hofman Battery Company 144-146 Broadway Providence RI Ad1,Ad2
Mayer Electric Company Spring Street Hope Valley RI Ad1
A E & A C Tefft East Ferry Jamestown RI Ad1
Carr & Manuel 40 Broadway Pawtucket RI Ad1
City Electric Company 80 Mathewson St Providence RI Ad1, Ad2
C & D Radio Sales Co 272 Atwells Avenue Providence RI
Peterson Co 7 Beverly St Providence RI
Philharmonic Radio Co 65 Broad St Providence RI
Durfee's Radio Shop 1207 Broad St Providence RI
Sweet Radio & Electrical Store 186 Broad St Providence RI Ad1
Seamans & Feldman Co Inc 510 Broad St Providence RI
Jutras Bros Inc Auto and Radio Supplies 110 Broad St Providence RI
Harry L Richman 74 Burnside St Providence RI
Rice Radio Service 77 Carpenter St Providence RI
Franklin Radio & Electric Co 523 Elmwood Ave Providence RI
Joseph H Cohen 92 Lexington Ave Providence RI
Alfred L Lepore 736 Manton Ave Providence RI Ad1
Atlantic Utilities Co 45 Mathewson St Providence RI
Home Utilities Co 86 Mathewson St Providence RI
Sheldon Company 131 Washington St Providence RI
Hope Radio Co 56 Washington St Providence RI
The Phonoradio Co 633 Westminster St Providence RI
Weybosset Radio Co 261 Weybosset St Providence RI
R I Radio & Electric Co 60 Weybosset St Providence RI
United Music Co 233 Weybosset St Providence RI
William S Hull 52 Atlantic Ave Providence RI Ad1, Ad2
Hub Radio Stores 161 Washington St Providence RI
Crittenden Radio 90 Dorrance St Providence RI
Seamans & Feldman Co 212 Union St Providence RI
Novelty Products Company 74 Clifford St Providence RI Ad1
Domina's Garage 802 to 806 Hope St Providence RI Ad1
Giant Storage Battery Company 9 to 11 Franklin St Providence RI Ad1
Jack and Harry's Exchange St Pawtucket RI Ad1, Ad2
Franklin Auto Supply Company Corner, Franklin and Broad Street Providence RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, Ad5, Ad6, Ad7
The Glenwood Furniture Company 251-255 Waybosset Providence RI Ad1
John M. Dean Co. 785-795 Westminster St. Providence RI Ad1
Wilfred Roy Company 278 Broadway Pawtucket RI Ad1,
Providence Radio Exchange 68 Exchange Place Providence RI Ad1
Boyles Radio Shop 77 Fountain St Providence RI Ad1
The L & L Radio Shop Central Falls RI History1, History2, History3, AD1, AD2, AD3, AD4, AD5, AD6,
David Siperstein Rado Shop 279 Taunton Ave East Providence RI Ad1
The Samual Jackson Co 62 North Main St Pawtucket RI Ad1, Ad2
Airmaster Radio Corp 161 Washington St Providence RI Ad1, Ad2
Battery Bill 161 Jenks Lane Pawtucket RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4
Glover Eelctric 155 Broad Street Providence RI
Cloutier L J 904 Broad Street Providence RI
McClure J N 935 Broad Street Providence RI
Shean's Drug Store 147 Brook Street Providence RI
The Auto Exchange 159 Dexter Street Providence RI
Sullivan J Frank 60 rm214 Exchange Place Providence RI
Consolidated Automotive Electric Co 66 Fountain Street Providence RI
A C Electric Supply 5 Greene Street Providence RI
Suffolk Battery Co 25 Mill Street Providence RI
Radio Tube Exchange 56 rm305 Washngton St Providence RI
Porell Geo H Co Inc 109 rm305 Washngton St Providence RI
The Song Shop Washington Street Providence RI
Boston Store 243 Westminster Street Providence RI
Crown Emblem Co 86 rm25 Weybosset Street Providence RI
Foster J A Co 119 Weybosset Street Providence RI
Gil Tire & Repair Co Washington Street Arctic RI
Allen Charles Jr Fountain Square Block Island RI
Pariseau Brothers 616 Dexter Street Central Falls RI
Centerdale Pharmacy C F Gilson 2030 Smith Street Centredale RI
Harris E P 2019 Smith Street Centredale RI
Motor Service Co East Providence RI
Lamphere Paul B Main Street Hope Valley RI
Caswell J R & I E West Jamestown RI
O'Connell J T 299-301 Thames Newport RI
Maille Electric Co 43 Montgomery Street Pawtucket RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4
James Montague Electric Shop 29 Park Place Pawtucket RI
Pawtucket Radio Tube Exchange 84 Broad Street Pawtucket RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, Ad5, Ad6, Ad7, Ad8, Ad9, Ad10, Ad11, Ad12, Ad13, Ad14,
John Votolato 1375 Plainfiled Street Thornton RI
Ibbotson Ievi Main Street Tiverton RI
Chapman & Bannister 6 Columbia Street Wakefield RI
Sowans "Spa" 557 Main Street Warren RI
A P Donnelly Gregory Block Wickford RI
R I Electric Supply 99 Main Street Woonsocket RI Ad1
Hanscom Allan T Woonsocket RI
Richardson Electric Co (RECO) 335 Westminister Street Providence RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, Ad5, Ad6, Ad7
William I Riley 272 Smithfield, Ave Pawtucket, RI Ad1
Hub Radio 94 Broad Street Pawtucket, RI Ad1
Universal Radio & Electric Company 67 Exchange Street Pawtucket, RI Ad1, Ad2
Young & Leonard Co. 52 Pine Street Pawtucket, RI Ad1
R I Battery Service Station 92 East Avenue Pawtucket, RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, Ad5, Ad6, Ad7, Ad8, Ad9, Ad10, Ad11, Ad12
Youngs Drug Store Sunnyside Avenue Bristol, RI Ad1
Triangle Radio Company 58 Mill Street Lonsdale, RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, Ad5, Ad6, Ad7, Ad8, Ad9, Ad10, Ad11, Ad12, Ad13, Ad14, Ad15, Ad16, Ad17, History, Obituary,
United Wireless Supply 19 Beacon St Providence, RI Ad1, Ad2
Michaels -Bauer 184 Main St Pawtucket, RI Ad1
Royal Radio Shop 130 Pocasset Ave. Providence, RI Ad1
Neal Flynn 1902 Westminster Street Providence, RI Ad1
United States Radio & Television Co. 436 Benefit St Pawtucket, RI AD 1, AD 2, AD 3, AD 4, AD 5, AD 6, AD 7
Winchester 45 Main Street Pawtucket, RI Ad1
Empire Radio Store 9 North Union Street Pawtucket, RI Ad1, Article,
Whitall Electric Co 42 Main Street Westerly, RI Ad1
J J Beard 400 Main Street Pawtucket, RI Ad1
Radio Service Co 60 Exchange Street Pawtucket, RI Article 1, Article 2, Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, Ad5, Ad6, Ad7, Ad8
Buckley's Radio 345 Central Avenue Pawtucket, RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4
MacDonalds 231-5 Waybosset St Providence, RI Ad1, Ad2
Edward A Lutz 85 East Avenue Pawtucket, RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, Ad5, Ad6, Directory
Barrington Radio & Electric Barrington Shopping Center Barrington, RI Ad1
Park Radio Shop 747 Park Avenue Cranston, RI Ad1
Martin J Kelley 621 Harris Ave Providence, RI Ad1
Colonial Radio Co 177 Social St Woonsocket, RI Ad1, Ad2
J B Farnum Monument Square Woonsocket, RI Ad1
Wells Radio Co Monumetnt Square Woonsocket, RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, Ad5, Ad5
Atlantic Utlitles Company Providence, RI Ad1
Kanes Main St Woonsocket, RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3
O'Donnell Drug Co Firts Ave and Olo St Woonsocket RI Ad1
Quality Battery Service 88 Front St Woonsocket, RI Ad1
Woonsocket Radio and Television Service Woonsocket, RI Ad1
Radio Service Club Woonsocket, RI Ad1
R J Supply Co 755 Westminister St Providence, RI Ad1
E & A Inc 23 High St Pawtucket, RI Ad1
Harria & Mowery Woonsocket, RI Ad1
Radio Equipment Company 60 Main St Woonsocket, RI Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, Ad5, Ad6, Ad7, Ad8, Ad9, Ad10

Reith & Teachman

65 Cumberland St Woonsocket, RI History1, History2, History3, History4, History5, History6, History7, History8, History9, History10, Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, Ad5, Ad6,
Richards Radio Company 23 Pemberton St Woonsocket, RI Ad1
Carpenter Radio Company Hoxsie Ad1
Kerr The Radio Man Woonsocket Ad1, Ad2,

Radio - Electrical Show
Cranston Street Armory

1 Rhode Island, Population (1925)

2 An Introduction To Social Biology, By Alan Dale

3 Thirty million houses in U. S., twenty million Ford cars produced - How many radio receivers?

4 QSL courtesy of Art Donahue, W1AWX

5 QSL courtesy Pete, NL7XM

6 QSL courtesy K8CX Collection